On October 5 and 7 City Council will meet to accept the staff recommendation report to proceed with the new alternative location plan for the downtown Guelph Public Library. In recent days there has been some concern that some members of Council will try to re-open the debate about its affordability, aiming to reject the new proposal based on its cost.
Now more than ever your support for this project is needed. Please speak up and have your voice heard!
Write a letter to the Mayor and City Council indicating your support and send it to clerks@guelph.ca before 10am on Friday, October 2. If received before then your letter will be included in the Council’s package of correspondence for this meeting.
The meetings will be streamed live at guelph.ca/live and on Facebook. While the Committee of the Whole meeting starts at 2 p.m. on Monday, October 5 there are agenda items the Committee will work through before debating and deliberating on the Baker District report, so you may want to tune in a little later in the afternoon.