To Volunteer…
From the options, below…
1) Choose an activity you want to do.
2) Click on the SignUp button for that activity.
3) Follow the instructions on the SignUp website to volunteer.
Sale Days – September 19-22
Training days – September 11-14
Click on the image to download the training manual
We need volunteers for the 4 days of the sale this year to do Checkout (Tally and Cash), to act as Checkout, Door and Table Monitors, and to bring books from Overflow to refill tables. While you should sign up for only ONE task per shift, we encourage you to sign up for several shifts over the course of the sale.
Sale Days volunteers are required to attend a training session. This is important because we have a new site with which you need to become familiar, and we have made changes in procedures based on comments from last year’s Customer and Volunteer Surveys.
Volunteers must be physically capable of doing the tasks that they sign up for. In addition, Tally and Cash volunteers must have the mathematical ability to perform their tasks.
Click on the “SignUp” button to choose a date and time for training and to help us on Sale Days.
For further information, please contact Lynn Allen, Sale Days Coordinator, at
The Sale Days Coordinator will endeavor to assign you to the task you sign up for but may need to move you to another task where a volunteer is needed.
PLEASE NOTE: This SignUp schedule is for use by the volunteers in the Adult sections of the sale.
Can you help us direct customers to parking areas at our sale site on the sale dates – September 19-22?
We need people who are able to give us a couple of hours per shift on the days of the sale. Each shift is two to three hours long.
And if you can do more than one shift that would be great!
Contact if you think you can help.
It ain’t over til it’s over! We need plenty of strong (and some not-so strong) people in the four or five days following the sale to pack boxes of left-overs and load them on pallets. Then this large new space must be tidied and emptied. Our tables, chairs and sale paraphernalia will be removed from the site by truck; volunteers will be needed to prepare these items for transport. Though not all post-sale activities require physical strength, there are some tasks that require lifting and carrying heavy items. Skip a trip to the gym and give us a hand!
There is no mandatory training session. Volunteers will receive task-related instructions as needed. Shifts are 3 hours long and include breaks as necessary. Please consider signing up for more than one shift if you can.
For more information contact Nancy, Post-Sale Coordinator at
Join the Marketing Committee to publicize the book sale. Tasks may include media relations, online event promotions, social media, poster and bookmark distribution, outreach events, etc.
For more information and about how you can help to promote the sale contact Tara, Marketing Coordinator at